Nerdly Press

One nerd's blog about tech and geek culture with a sprinkle of random goodness.

Comic book movie box office takeover

Summer 2011 and 2012 are a huge time for the comic book industry. Look at 2010. Movies like Iron Man 2,  Kick-ass and The Green Hornet racked in the money at the box office. Most people don’t know that I work part-time at a movie theater, and I’ve seen the hordes of comic and non-comic fans flocking to the theater. This summer is going to be particularly huge. Traditionally comic books have been a great medium to convert to the big screens. This summer is no different.

Look at all the movies coming out this summer starting with Chris Hemsworth in Thor. Captain America, Transformers 3, Green Lantern and more obscure movies such as Cowboys and Aliens are taking over the box office this summer, and I’m too geeked!  And I’m here to hype them up. Here is a round-up of the comic book movies coming out this summer with their trailers. For my non-comic book friends, you might find out about a new comic you’ve never known before. I encourage you to check it out. Free comic book day is tomorrow. Go out and pick them up!  Enjoy.

Thor  (comes out today, May 6 2011)

Priest  (May 13, 2011)

X-men: First Class  (June 3, 2011)

Green Lantern  (June 17)

Transformers: Dark of the Moon  (July 1)

Captain America: The First Avengers  (July 22)

Rise of the Planet of the Apes  (August 5)

Conan the Barbarian  (August 19)

Filed under: Comic Books, Movies

Sucker Pawnched?

Sucker Punch opens today. I’ve been looking forward to this movie for more than a year now. But the mixed reviews pouring in are a little disheartening. Viewers are claiming  it’s too flashy, the plot makes no sense…it’s just eye candy. Some of the best anime doesn’t make sense, which this movie derives some of its influences from. Cool fighting scenes from martial art classics doesn’t scream Oscar for the best acting; but anyway I digress.  I’m looking forward to being blown away visually. Screw if it doesn’t make sense completely. I’m sure this movie is going to be a cult classic. (Biased).

The people over at Geek Chic Daily are running a cool competition for a chance to win a book and  an 18′  Baby Doll action figure.  Click Here to apply.

Filed under: Animation, Movies, , ,


May 2024

